Looking to meet some new runners in the Dallas area?! Come join us for our social runs that start from Luke's Locker White Rock/Dallas Store location (7317 Gaston Road)! All paces are extremely welcome and we love seeing new faces!
We have social runs on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. or Thursday mornings at 6:00 a.m. You can choose to access the Santa Fe or White Rock Trail from the north side perimeter of our parking lot, or follow the attached route below for a hilly 6 mile workout through some of the neighborhoods.
On Wednesday nights, plan on heading over to The Lot for HH, and on Thursday mornings enjoy a complimentary breakfast taco from Diggs afterwards!
Below is an attachment on the route we follow through the Lakewood neighborhood. By NO means are you encouraged or will be persuaded to go farther than what is comfortable for you. The longest route is set for 6 miles but again, set a reasonable, attainable distance for yourself by using an out and back route on the trails.
Hope to see y'all out there soon!